FAQ > Clearstone Coating > Once the surface is etched how can it be restored?
The only way to fix etched stone is to mechanically grind the surface until you get to unaffected stone below the etching. The depth of the grinding will vary depending on the severity the etching and how long it has been allowed to continue as the pitted surface will continue to collect acids.
Lustre Ltd removes etches permanently, leaving your surface as new or we can blend the area worked on to match the surrounding area. These marks are not stains they are acidic agents that have reacted to mineral composition of the stone, thereby removing the surface polish.
Please contact us or email us to make a no obligation appointment with a clearstone representative. To ensure the best possible standard of customer satisfaction and communication our specialists meet personally on site with every client to formally assess their needs in the first instance and develop an itemized proposal and quotation detailing the recommended procedure.
Last updated on July 16, 2014 by dino Gagas